DK Winter School 2019
17-18 JanuaryLocation:
Reichenau, AustriaProgram:
The first day will consist of the following scientific talks:
Quasilinear Parabolic Equations with a Singular Forcing
Claudia Raithel (Technical University of Vienna)
Stochastic population cross-diffusion system: Existence of global martingale solutions
(Technical University of Vienna)
Challenges in the discretization of the time dependent Maxwell equations and the Discontinuous Galerkin approach
(Technical University of Vienna)
Multiscale Asymptotics and Analysis for Atmospheric Flow Models with Moisture
(University of Vienna)
Slow-fast systems in cell biology: switches and oscillators
(Technical University of Vienna)
Limit laws in exclusion processes with discontinuity
(IST Austria)
A detailed schedule is available here.
Ansgar Jüngel (TU Vienna), Annalisa Iuorio (TU Vienna)Accomodation:
Hotel Marienhof, ReichenauThis event is supported by the FWF Doctoral Program "Dissipation and Dispersion in Nonlinear PDEs" and the SFB 65 "Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems". For further information please contact Annalisa Iuorio.