DK Summer School 2020
06-10 JulyLocation:
Weissensee, Kärnten, AustriaDescription:
The scientific program consists of the following short course (further talks/short courses are to be announced soon):
Rigidity Estimates in Nonlinear Elasticity (tentative)
, Technical University of Vienna
Title to be announced soon
, Universität Graz
Title to be announced soon
, Heriot Watt University
Beside the scientific program there will be enough time for individual and cooperative work.
Although the summer school is primarily intended for students of the doctoral school, all members of the involved working groups are highly welcome!
Stefan Portisch (TU Wien),
Christian Schmeiser (WPI c/o U.Wien)Accomodation:
Hotel Regitnig, Techendorf, WeissenseeHow to get there:
- By train: Vienna - Greifenburg-Weissensee, see webpage of the OEBB.
- By car, see maps.
For further information please contact Stefan Portisch.